Englandfahrt des 10. Jahrgangs – von Tomke Steinborn (10c)
Englandfahrt des 10. Jahrgangs – von Tomke Steinborn (10c)

Englandfahrt des 10. Jahrgangs – von Tomke Steinborn (10c)

Vom 8.-13. September war ein Teil des 10. Jahrgangs, bestehend aus 50 Schülerinnen und Schülern, zusammen mit vier Lehrkräften (Frau Becker, Herr Fuchs, Frau Steinborn, Herr Schürmann) unterwegs in England. Wo wir waren und was wir gemacht haben, erfahrt ihr in diesem englischen Dialog-Text, inspiriert von einem Text aus dem „Orange Line“ Buch der sechsten Klasse.

When Olivia phoned Holly

H: Hello? Olivia?

O: Hi Holly. I’m on the bus. What are you doing at the moment? Are you watching TV?

H: Yes, I am. I’m watching a talent show. 

Why are you on the bus, Olivia? Where are you going?

O: I’m going home. I was on a school trip to Canterbury and London. 

H: Really? That sounds nice! What did you do there?

O: On the first day, Monday, we visited the old town center of Canterbury. A tour guide showed us around. The one from my group was a little special. He brought some props like swords and crowns and while he told us about Canterbury‘s history, we had to act out what he said. Everyone had so much fun!

H: It must have been fantastic! Did you go the whole way from Eckernförde to Canterbury by bus?

O: Yes, on Sunday morning at 5 o‘clock we started at school and at 9 o‘clock in the evening we arrived in Canterbury. 

H: What a long journey! When are you going to arrive here in Eckernförde?

O: Between 8 and 11 pm, the teachers said. 

H: So you‘re driving over night?

O: Yes. Hopefully, we‘ll get some sleep…

H: How were the following days after your visit in Canterbury?

O: Splendid! On the second day I was the first person awake in my flat and…

H: You had your own flat?

O: Yes! In groups of mostly five people we lived in flats with one kitchen and everyone had his or her own bedroom. Together we had to plan what to buy for our meals, because every group cooked for themselves. 

H: That sounds luxurious!

So what did you do that second day?

O: Our bus driver Ines brought us from Canterbury to London. During the whole trip, we listened to some music together. That was fun!

In London we had a tour with a boat on the Thames but there was a big traffic jam. Luckily, Ines left us out of the bus at a red traffic light and we ran through the entire Greenwich Park to catch the ferry. But the boat was broken and the tour was delayed. We had to wait for the next one. 

H: Oh no! Was the tour good anyway?

O: Yes! It was amazing. I took many photos and we saw lots of famous buildings like the Tower Bridge, the Globe Theatre and the London Eye. 

H: Great! I wish I would have gone to the London Eye when I was there. Did you go inside the London Eye?

O: Of course! At the top we had a wonderful view above London and, again, took many pictures!

H: Nice! What I also want to do when I’m in London next time is visiting the Tate Modern. Did you go there too?

O: Sadly not. I wanted to, but there was no one else who wanted to go there in our free time, so we went shopping, visited little bookshops and walked through China Town. 

H: That’s lovely, too!

O: Right? On the third day Ines took us to London again. We watched the changing of the guards at the Buckingham Palace and had plenty of free time at Camden Market and in Covent Garden. There were many stalls and little shops with mostly food, jewelry and clothes, but also plenty of other things you can imagine.

The best thing that day was that we were allowed to go by the tube on our own!

H: That’s cool! So…? Did you find something to buy?

O: You can’t go there without finding something you want to buy! Most of us tried strawberries with chocolate, which are sold at many stalls at Camden Market. 

H: Oh! I ate them too, once! They are really delicious! Did you make any trips today, on your last day? 

O: Yes, we went to Dover Castle. That was interesting! Did you know that there was a hospital underneath the castle which was used in the Second World War? We had a nice short tour there and afterwards the possibility to walk around the entire castle ground. 

H: Fascinating!

O: Definitely! After that trip we had some free time in Dover downtown and many students bought some last snacks for the journey back to Germany. 

H: I guess you took the ferry at 6 pm?

O: Right and we saw a really spectacular sunset!

H: Nice! So see you tomorrow when you arrive at school again! I’m going to bed now. 

O: Yes, see you! Good night!

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